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Muster Sponsor - Anstruther Fish Bar

Information for Skippers

For those bringing a boat to the Muster, the following spaces will be available:

  • Spaces on pontoon berths and rafted out on hammerhead pontoons

  • Berths, double-rafted at the ladders of the outer harbour wall 

  • East wall of the outer harbour. 

To book a berth contact Steve Blaney by phone or email. Tel: 07885 661101 or

em: - you may get a voicemail but it will be responded to. You can also email

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About the muster

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The Anstruther Muster, first held in 1997 and organised by the Anstruther Sailing Club, is an annual gathering of boats from all over the east coast.


The Muster has formed part of the Anstruther Harbour Festival since the Festivals inception in 2013. Since 2016, the Muster has been organised by the Festival.


Boats for the Muster generally arrive on Friday and depart on the Sunday of the Festival weekend. 

Classic Boat Rally

Since 2013, the Muster has included a Classic Boat Rally organised by Anstruther Harbour Festival in conjunction with Anstruther Sailing Club. During the Festival, the inner harbour wall at the middle pier is reserved for classic boats entered in the Classic Boat Rally.  


The Classic Boat Rally is open to yachts, dinghies, motorboats, and working boats and at the Muster awards ceremony in the music marquee, the Festival will award trophies for:


  • Best Dressed Boat

  • Furthest Travelled Boat

  • Smallest Boat

  • Oldest Boat

  • Classic Boat of the Year


Information for Skippers: Classic Boat Rally

To be classified as "classic", the boat should generally be wooden or steel hulled. GRP hulls will be allowed if they are a descendant of a wooden hull design and display enough wood trim to pass as a classic, or boats of “classic” design of any period or construction form. All classic boat classifications will be subject to the discretion of AHF’s Muster organiser.

During the Muster, information sheets describing the design, construction and history of each Classic Boat will be displayed at the quayside adjacent to each boat. 


Skippers should berth on the inner harbour wall of the middle pier reserved for classic boats. To ensure allocation of a suitable berth, skippers must contact the harbourmaster and AHF Muster organiser  to give advance notice of their attendance at the Rally.

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2024 | Anstruther Harbour Festival Trust is a registered Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation under Scottish Charity Number SC046562

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